Sheila Abbruzzo
Thai Massage, Indian Head Massage, Reiki, Yoga
Sheila is an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher and Trainer in the Kripalu Yoga tradition. She is also certified to teach Yin Yoga and Advanced Yin Yoga (Traditional Chinese Medicine with chakras and meridians). Sheila practices and shares yoga and other methods of improving energy awareness as methods for restoring and balancing the body, mind and soul.
Trained in Compassionate Inquiry, Sheila is a therapeutic space holder and meditation coach specializing in CBT and MBSR. She is a certified Reiki II healer and practitioner and is a certified by the Thai Massage Toronto school as a Thai Masseuse. She is whole-heartedly committed to being of service to our community and especially passionate about healing trauma as it relates to ACE’s and any form of addiction.
Immersing herself in nature while hiking and biking nearly every day, Sheila is most in her element near the water. Her spiritual connection begins in meditation and a self-healing Reiki practice every day. She enjoys a regular dose of herbs, essential oils and spiritual readings to restore and improve energy in and around her environment. Yoga is a journey, for Sheila, it’s a way of life. “We are all just walking each other home” (Ram Dass) Sheila will be offering Thai massage and yoga and much more!