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Meditation Class

Emotion Code

Emotion Code is a very powerful modality which uses muscle testing to identify trapped emotions in the body and releases them with the use of a magnet. Negative emotions vibrate at a low frequency and can affect the surrounding tissues causing discomfort and pain or leading to disease. They can also cause emotional symptoms and emotional blocks to achieving certain goals. We can trap them in our body if we don't fully process an emotion we are feeling, if we absorb it from others, if we inherit it from our ancestors or carried it with us from past/parallel lives. We also place trapped emotions around our heart creating walls for protection at times of conflict or trauma. This is called a Heart Wall. If someone has a heart wall, which is about 93% of the population, it affects our heart signals that are sent to and received from other people. This interferes with the way people give and receive love, as well as prevents them from following their heart. It can also cause emotional numbness, sadness, and anxieties. The heart wall also contributes to physical symptoms like tension and pain in the heart chakra area, (neck, shoulders, chest and back). When the heart wall is released, it opens one up to live more fully from their heart. Releasing trapped emotions can result in experiencing a light feeling, like a weight has been lifted, more joy, less pain, tension and a reduction in anxieties and sadness.



Emotion Code session 60min $125

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©2024 by Corner Spa & Wellness

Web Design by Bonnie Joyce Creative Studio 

6361 Main St. Stouffville Ontario L4A1G4 


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Monday: Closed 

Tuesday: 12-4 

Wednesday: 12-430

Thursday: 12-5

Friday: 11-5 

Saturday: 10-3   

Sunday: Closed 


Note: Wellness appointments often fall outside store hours.

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